55 Most Common Medicinal Herbs

The Complete Natural Medicine Guide


The most current scientific information on medicinal herbs. Written by two leading pharmacists, this clinical reference provides reliable and authoritative information on the most popular medical herbs, which are easily found in a pharmacy or health food store. A botanical description and an analysis of the medicinal qualities of each herb accompany complete details of the preventative and therapeutic values for health conditions, ranging from allergies and arthritis to menopause and more. Special attention is paid to safety, potential adverse effects and possible drug interactions. Presented in a user-friendly format, each entry combines the most current research with reliable dosage recommendations. This all-new edition features five additional herbs — ashwagandha, bitter orange, hoodia, oregano and red clover — and extensively revised text and layouts. Features include:

  • Thumbnail sketches of each herb
  • Quick-reference guides that match health conditions with herbal treatment options
  • Explanations of pertinent FDA regulations
  • A glossary of botanical medical terms and an extensive index

This outstanding guidebook to medicinal herbs is ideal for data-hungry consumers and health-care professionals.


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ISBN-10: 0778802159
ISBN-EAN: 9780778802150
Price (USD): $27.95
Price (CAD): $27.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 388
Published Date: 3/27/2009